Printed Member Cards – The Exclusiveness Your Business Needs
We offer the highest quality Member Card Printing combined with that are printed in England with outstanding customer service and great prices and we even offer free artwork for all orders.
Because we design and print your member cards right here in England, you can be assured of the highest quality and fastest turnaround times.
Printed Member Cards – The Exclusiveness Your Business Needs
There are quite a few things that say VIP better than member cards. These are special cards issued by business owners for people that are either members of a club or for those that are receiving something special for their attendance to the venue. In any case, membership cards are something that every reputable enterprise should consider especially if they target selected clients and wish to make a stunning impression. Understanding all that, our company is here to provide you with the most exclusive printed membership cards which are individually tailored to cater to your every demand.
Customised Experience to satisfy all Needs
Understanding the importance of first impression, our company is offering top notch membership card printing. We take your requests under thorough consideration, and we aim to provide you with the exact embodiment of what you had in mind. If you are unsure about what you want your outcome to look like, we are also capable of providing you with professional design advice in order to give you a helping hand or that extra inspiration you need to come up with the best design. We make sure that our printed membership cards withstand the tests of our customers and are exactly what they wanted in the first hand.
A Wide Range of Member Card Services
Whether you are the owner of an exclusive night club, or you are the chief of an organisation and need to provide you members with membership cards, we are capable of tailoring the perfect solution. We can bring out the exclusiveness of our venue, or we can outline its importance and formality. Regardless of what you have in mind, our company is capable of catering to your personal preferences and demands.
Different Member Card Designs and Materials
A membership card is incredibly important as it’s the most exclusive tool in the arsenal of the business owner. This is the thing which is going to make the client one of yours, and it has to be perfect. Understanding this thoroughly, our company is capable of delivering the design that you had in mind without any issues. We also know that different materials make different impressions and serve different purposes. This is why we want to offer a wide array of materials capable of outlining the particular purpose of your intention behind the membership card.
We offer tailored and individualised membership card printing which is held to the highest standards. Allow us to envelop the experience of your enterprise in one convenient membership card which is going to make a stunning impression to every client.
Membership Cards with Signature Strips

Signature strips are a popular optional extra. They add security and individuality to each card. Security in the way that a signature can be verified against other documentation or a specimen signature held by the club and by the individual as once signed no other card will be the same and may provide a sense of belonging to the member.
Often multiple signature strips are used by organisations so they can enter other information on the card such as an expiry date or type of membership.
Membership Cards with Sequential Numbering

Sequential numbering is often used by a club as a membership number, for example when a new member wants to join, a card is taken from the storage box and whatever number is on the card is the membership number for the new member. This is a very simple and popular method.
Another use for the sequential numbering is for identification of the member, the identifiable feature will be the sequential number which is linked to the clubs own system, this may be a simple paper based system or a bespoke software package. The clubs system will record relevant information about the member such as name, date of birth, membership level etc.
Membership Cards with Barcodes

Barcodes along with using the relevant software are a handy way to provide security and data recoding for club members. Barcodes are quick to scan so rarely cause a backlog of members trying to enter the premises. Often clubs have the barcode linked to a software system which brings up a photo of the member, this allows quick identification and secure entry along with quickly recording the members visit.
Software systems can be programmed to identify peak and off peak members and can flag up when a member is trying to enter when they shouldn’t be.
Membership Cards with Embossing

Often customers ask for membership cards with embossing as it looks very professional. The options for embossing are very flexible in that a number (sequential or random) can be added or member names.
Often clubs will not know all the member names at the point of order, in these cases we can emboss the known names along with the relevant membership number and add just membership numbers to the remaining cards, this makes for a affordable yet still professional solution and makes current members feel valued as its clear that they are continuing members just from looking at there membership card.
Membership Cards with Magnetic Strips

An alternative to barcodes are magnetic strips which are swiped instead of scanned. Magnetic strips are often ordered by companies who already have the relevant hardware in place to utilise them.
We offer two types of magnetic strip, Hico and Loco and we can encoded the information to the card in whichever way your system needs it.
Membership Cards with Metallic Foiling

Another way to add unique luxury to your plastic membership cards. Having a word such as VIP foiled really makes the importance of the member stand out. Printing metallic gold foil on a metallic gold base looks great but is reserved for those really looking to push the boat out for those very special members.
Sometimes we print in either black ink as part of the normal printing the word MEMBER, if the membership card is a normal membership tier and we can print in silver or gold foil the wording Silver Member or Gold Member, or any other wording you desire to distinguish between the level of membership at a glance.
Membership Cards with Metallic Base Card

A great way to easily identify different levels of membership Especially for life or VIP members is to have metallic gold and a metallic silver base card along side the normal card base colour.
Clubs often have different levels of membership such as VIP, gold or life members, the metallic gold base offers a wonderful way to provide a very special plastic card to these members. Often the design of the card itself looks great when its very simple as the metallic gold offers the wow factor all by it self.
A metallic silver base can also be used, perhaps for platinum or important members. These look great in a matt finish as a luxury look is obtained.
Membership Cards with Personalisation / variable data

Using Personalisation / variable data on membership cards individualises one card from another. This is often used for a members name, their level of membership and when their membership expires.
Just be careful not to make the name and membership level too long as it need to physically fit when printed on the cards.
Email Proof

Once you have placed your membership card order with us, we will email a photorealistic proof for approval.
This is great way to quickly see how the finished card will look and an opportunity for you to check that everything is present and correct for you !
Postal Proof

For our full colour membership cards, one you have approved the wonderful photorealistic proof that we email to you for approval, we will then proceed to print an actual plastic membership card complete with any optional extras that apply and then post it to you for final approval.
This gives you the opportunity to check that they have printed just right for you and that any barcodes, or encoded magnetic strips scan ok for you.
Should you require any changes as this point, pat yourself on the back for choosing us. As you now have the opportunity to make changes rather than have hundreds or thousands of membership cards printed that are not quite right or you as you would have if you had used another company. Our customers love our postal proofs !
Membership Cards with Photo Seals

Photoseals are used when it is important to visually identify a member quickly.
Customers who use photoseals often use the membership cards as an identification card, perhaps when more sophisticated software packages are not available.
Solid Plastic

Our full colour plastic membership cards are solid plastic so they will last many times longer than card membership cards or ‘encapsulated’ membership cards that re just laminated paper!
Our membership cards are waterproof and very durable as they will not be come ‘dog eared’ with day to day use.
Also, unlike surface printed cards, the printing is actually inside the plastic so it is protected from being worn off over time.

We offer three thicknesses of plastic, ranging from 760 micron (0.76mm) down to 680 micron (0.68mm) and the thinnest 420 micron (0.42mm). The most popular is 760 micron which is the same thickness as a standard bank card.
Some customers choose thinner plastic as they can work out a bit cheaper, especially at higher volumes. However, if the cards have a magnetic strip on them then they must be 760 microns thick. Also it is not possible to emboss the thinnest 420 microns thick plastic cards.
Premium Quality

As our membership cards are printed right here in the UK you can be assured that they are the highest quality rather than some cheap imports from China where quality control and working conditions are very low.
Made in UK

We always have and we always will make our membership cards right here in the UK to ensure high quality and fast deliver to you.
Double Sided

We can print our membership cards in full colour on either one side or both sides for the same price.
Sometimes customers have the signature strip, or membership number on the back along with any terms of membership to leave the front of the card uncluttered, so their logo and branding is the main focus.
Membership Cards with Scratch off panels

More widely used on gift cards but equally can be used on membership cards.
They can be used to instances where the cars needs to be invalidated but the club wishes the member to retain the card.
Gloss or matt finish

The chosen finish of a membership cards helps to add individuality and can make the difference between a vibrant modern glossy plastic card or a contemporary luxury matt feel.
Either option is available for you and best of all there is no price difference, the hard thing is deciding which you prefer as both are gorgeous.
QR codes

An alternative to a barcode but it can, if required, hold a lot more data but please note they can equally hold just a membership number.
They can be scanned with a dedicated scanner or a smart phone. The flexibility of scanning options makes QR codes useful for membership clubs, especially if events are held away from a main premises or an event is held outside. They are definitely worth considering as an alternately to the traditional barcode.
Membership Cards with Hole or slot punching

Holes or slots are handy when the membership cards are to be used for an event as the membership card can easily be attached to clothing, a lanyard or other item the member is comfortable with.
A lot of sports clubs opt for a hole or slot so that the player can easily locate there card.
Fast Turnaround

If you need your membership cards fast, we can help you!
We offer a very fast turnaround of just 5 working days to dispatch your printed membership cards from when you have approved your proof, complete with any optional extras such as magnetic strips, embossing, signature strips etc.
Membership Card Examples

We have lost count of the number of membership cards that we have printed over the years. We have printed cards for a huge range of clubs, groups, organisations and activities. Most of our work is repeat work for the same clubs and organisations year in year out, usually with a slight change to the design each year. The change to the design is sometimes a simple as a colour change to the background. For some of our customers they have a photograph printed faintly in the background that is changed each year along with the date on the card.
Why Membership Cards?
Everybody wants to feel like they belong and that they are part of a club. A high quality, durable plastic membership card will give your members a sense of exclusivity and belonging, while offering special benefits associated with your card can help you attract and retain customers.
Gift Cards
As well as controlling access they can assist you in finding out more about your customers and members, so you are able to target your marketing more efficiently with personalised offers and messages, for example:
– Free gifts or passes for continued use.
– Discounted food & drink or other sales.
Our cards can also help you to track how popular different activities within your club are so you can identify your member interests and increase cross selling.
High Quality – Made in England
When sourcing cards it is important to look for quality and choose highly durable plastic rather than cardboard or even cardboard thats been laminated!
All our cards have the printing inside the plastic so it cannot wear off over time.