Hello all,
Today has been a quiet day for business cards enquiries however the number of enquiries for membership cards and loyalty cards has been overwhelming. Most interest has been shown in relation to our bureau personalisation service (this is where cards are held in stock for the customer and an excel file is submitted with new members included). In order to provide quote for this service we generally ask customer to clarify the following:
1) How many plastic cards they expect to use over a 12 month period
2) How often they will submit an excel file (weekly, fortnightly or monthly)
3) How many new members details will be within the excel file/how many cards they will call off from their stock each time
I think that because our service is so professional and easy to come to grips with that customers you love the idea of it. Most customer re-new there stock when it is depleted which proves in itself what a good service this is for membership and loyally card schemes.
Our bureau personlisation service is available with the full colour solid plastic cards (760 and 680 microns in thickness). We can offer other optional extras with the cards, such as signature panels. Should you need a price for this product/service, please email us at sales@cpcards.co.uk